Inle Lake Part 2

Inle Lake Part 2

Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Unknown The village of In Sein is at the head of a long canal and on either side you get your first close up view of the the floating gardens.  The floating gardens on Inle Lake cover...
Inle Lake Part 1

Inle Lake Part 1

Time spent wasted at the lake is time well spent. Unkown There are many boats that leave the jetty in Nyaungshwe early in the morning and phut phut down the long canal that leads to the lake.  The morning mist envelopes each one and they are soon lost to sight.  Tall...
Schooling in the Chin villages

Schooling in the Chin villages

The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark. Thomas Paine I’ve visited quite a few schools in Asia and they consistently take my breath away. I am always astounded at conditions in rural Asia and that anyone learns to read and write at all. But they do....
Chin ladies with tattoos – Lines before their time

Chin ladies with tattoos – Lines before their time

My body is my journal and my tattoos are my story. Johnny Depp The trip on the Lemro River was interesting  but it did feel good to get out and stretch my legs. The path to the village where the ladies with the tattoos lived was flooded with bright mid-day light and...
Life on the Lemro River

Life on the Lemro River

Rivers are roads that move and which carry us whither we wish to go. Blaise Pascal There is nothing quite like being on a boat especially a small boat chugging up some backwater in Asia.  So off I went with three other adventurers (fellow travellers I met in Mrauk U)...